Summary of the Recall The Cabal saga

Many of you may know that the Palomino Valley General Improvement District (PVGID) has been in conflict and embattled over the past few months. To sum up the drama in the most concise way possible, three PVGID board members (trustees) conspired to form a voting bloc (cabal) for self-serving reasons. Their actions were so egregious that Pal Val residents fought back.

Through the combination of public pressure, an information campaign, and a recall vote, the good residents of Palomino Valley prevailed and were successful in breaking up the stranglehold that the troublesome threesome held on the valley.

Gone now are: Dan Helton, Don Otto and Tom Baker (aka the HOB). A further bonus is that the new board got rid of the outrageously expensive attorney, Frank Flaherty.

Chapter One: Enemies at the Gate

Chapter Two: The People Fight Back

Chapter Three: Victory for the Good People

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